Safeguarding is a key governance priority for all charities

This fully funded online course is open to trustees, chairs, CEO's and safeguarding leads from Hertfordshire voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations

  • Understand your role as a trustee in relation to safeguarding.

  • Stay up to date with new guidance, regulations and best practice in accordance to the Charity Governance Code.

  • Learn about the topic and help you to develop procedures that comply legally and ethically.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the this course you will be able to:

  • Better support your staff and volunteers

  • Understand the policies and procedures around safeguarding

  • Understand how to handle and report concerns

About the trainer

Moreen Pascal

Moreen is a training consultant specialising in assertive communication, inclusive leadership behaviours and safeguarding adults at risk training. She has lived/worked in Hertfordshire for over 25 years and has a deep professional interest in the performance of its voluntary and community sector.