Understand the role and responsibilities particularly around documenting and reporting abuse

This course is aimed at the adult safeguarding lead (or designated person) in voluntary and community organisations. Those attending must have completed a Level 1 safeguarding adults at risk course in the last 2 years.

  • Overview of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board Multi Agency Policy and Procedure

  • Examination of the role and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Lead or Designated Person

  • Reporting and Referral processes in Hertfordshire and staying up-to-date with developments in safeguarding practice

Learning outcomes

By the end of the this course you will be able to:

  • Know how to report and refer cases of suspected abuse or allegations

  • Understand how to provide support, advice and expertise within the organisation

  • Provide feedback to your organisation on safeguarding procedures and training needs and be prepared for potential investigations and enquiries

About the trainer

Moreen Pascal

Moreen is a training consultant specialising in assertive communication, inclusive leadership behaviours and safeguarding adults at risk training. She has lived/worked in Hertfordshire for over 25 years and has a deep professional interest in the performance of its voluntary and community sector.