Funding eligibility criteria for the Workforce Development and Better Boards programmes

HCF Training & Development and Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services have worked together for over a decade to support charity and community organisations in Hertfordshire. Our aim is to make organisations stronger and more sustainable through training, information, advice and guidance.

The workforce development and better boards programmes are funded by Hertfordshire County Council Adult Care Services, which includes the following services:

Who is eligible for our workforce development and better boards services?*

*Training courses and our annual events are open to all Hertfordshire based organisations, though preference may be given to those fulfilling our Adult Social Care criteria.

  • Organisations must deliver services in Hertfordshire and be one of the following: Registered charity, company with charitable status, social enterprise, or a constituted voluntary/ community group.
  • Organisations must directly deliver services that protect people who use care & support services, or preserve or advance physical or mental health, or promote independence and social inclusion, or improve opportunities and life chances.
  • Organisations must provide adult social care and demonstrate that all (or the majority) of the people that they support, are over 19 years of age and fall into one or more of the following groups:
    • Older people
    • Learning disability or difficulty
    • Physical disability
    • Sensory impairment
    • Physical or mental health illness
    • Substance misuse
    • Domestic violence
    • Carers (for adults in one of the above groups)
    • Or for any other reason are in need, at risk, or face poverty**

** N.B. Poverty or unemployment alone are insufficient to apply and qualify. 

Who is not eligible for our services?

  • Individuals who are not currently paid staff, volunteers or trustees of an eligible organisation
  • Organisations that provide services to parents or families where the primary beneficiary is the child
  • Statutory bodies or private companies that do not have charitable status
  • Organisations that do not provide direct services to the community/ public.
  • Organisations not based in Hertfordshire.

If you are unsure about your eligibility for these services, or have any questions about this eligibility criteria, please email [email protected] or call 01707 280 332.

Self funding

All HCF services can be self funded, please email [email protected] or call 01707 280 332 for more information.