Your workforce: Your future 2023

'How we can make changes, big and small, to improve productivity and become more sustainable'

Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023

Time: 10am - 1:30pm

Venue: Focolare Centre, Welwyn Garden City

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Your Workforce: Your Future 2023

Arrival is from 10am with the event kicking off at 10:30am. A delicious networking lunch is included, with the event finishing at 1:30pm. 

This event is aimed towards senior management and training leads, however anyone from Hertfordshire's voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations are welcome to join.

Do not miss out, book your ticket today!


Time Topic and speaker
10:00 Arrive; refreshments available
10:25 Opening words
10:30 Welcome from Hertfordshire Count Council, Adult Care Services
Robin Clifford, Senior Learning and Development Officer, HCC Adult Care Services
10:40 HCF Training & Development: Highlights and looking ahead
Willow Humphreys, Project Manager, HCF Training & Development
11:00 Training course spotlight: Marketing and fundraising - progressing your skills
Yvonne Green, Marketing and Events Co-ordinator, HCF Training & Development
Kate Newton, HCF Trainer & Advisor, fundraising specialist
11:20 Improve productivity with an office volunteer - interactive workshop
Philippa Shaw , Project Co-ordinator, HCF Training & Development, together with office volunteers sharing their experiences
12:00 Networking lunch
12:40 Chat GPT workshop - How it can improve your day to day efficiency
Willow Humphreys, Project Manager, HCF Training & Development
Jacquie Hime, HCF Trainer & Advisor, fundraising and finance specialist
13:25 Closing words
13:30 Finish

Improve productivity with an office volunteer - interactive workshop

Does your organisation have a volunteer supporting your team with office admin tasks?

In this workshop you will hear the experiences of office-based volunteers working in Hertfordshire charities, why they volunteer and what makes for a productive working relationship. We will have a facilitated discussion on how best to integrate an office-based volunteer into your organisation.

Chat GPT workshop - How it can improve your day to day efficiency

Could you be using Chat GPT to improve your day-to-day efficiency?

In this workshop we will explain briefly how Chat GPT works, what it does well and what to avoid using it for. You will then have the chance to try out Chat GPT for yourself, in a workshop facilitated by Jacquie Hime showing how it could be used for writing grant applications.

Willow Humphreys

HCF Training & Development, project manager

Highlights of the Survey of the Hertfordshire Voluntary Sector Workforce 2022 - focusing on staff recruitment and retention

Rhiannon Mehta & Nick Bellamy, Prospectus Recruitment

As the first recruitment agency in the UK to become a certified B Corp, Prospectus is a recruitment agency with a difference. They work exclusively in the not-for-profit sector and believe their clients change the world for individuals, communities and society. For over 65 years they have been working across the UK and internationally to connect talented people with not-for-profit organisations.

Sharn Tomlinson, CEO

Mind in Mid Herts

Mind in Mid Herts Chief Executive; started at MiMH in 2008 first managing the psychological therapy service and the last 7 years as CEO. Sharn has over 25 years’ experience working in adult mental health in the NHS and in the voluntary sector.

Feedback from Your workforce: Your future 2022

“Excellent. Probably the best ever. The theme of focussing on 2 of the the biggest issue facing charities, retention and staff wellbeing was a great idea. Breaking with the usual format really worked. Great speakers especially the Charity Recruitment Co. Useful to have time for questions scheduled in. Excellent- thanks.”

“Excellent event, it was well attended and the speakers were relevant to current trends”

“Great day - very informative. Lots of useful advise and resources to use for the future and to signpost other organisations”

Miriam Feehily

“It was very well organised and executed, with speakers covering a vast range of issues that the sector's workforce faces. Willow mentioned that the data for her section had all come from CEO's, and I think her insights into the why's and how's of the presented data were very informative.”

“I really enjoyed it today - just the right content, length and tone. Thank you!”

Jonathan Whitehead

“Very enjoyable and all presentations were excellent”

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