Explore more about legacy fundraising

This session is for those who are new to fundraising. This is a fully funded online series of lunchtime sessions. Each session covers a stand-alone topic, so you can just attend those which are most useful for you.

  • Understand what legacy fundraising is

  • Learn what is involved in preparing your organisation for legacy fundraising

Learning outcomes

By the end of the this course you will be able to:

  • Understand about legacy fundraising

  • Know how to prepare a simple campaign

About the trainer

Jacquie Hime

Jacquie Hime is a knowledgeable and passionate supporter of the voluntary and community sector with a successful track record of applying for grants and contracts. She provides training on governance, fundraising, finance and organisational development.

Cancellation terms

If you are unable to attend this course please contact [email protected] with at least 48 hours’ notice to cancel your place. HCF Training & Development reserves the right to issue a fee in the case of non-attendance of this course without proper notice. Within the 48 hour notice period your course place may be transferred to another eligible individual from your organisation, but not transferred to another course.