Annual Hertfordshire Trustee Conference 2022
In addition to lunch & learn sessions held during Trustees' week (7 -11 November 2022), we are pleased to invite you to the 4th Annual Hertfordshire Trustee Conference in person.
Theme: 'Fit For The Future'
Conference Date: Wednesday 9 November 2022
Time: 4pm - 7pm
Location: Fletcher's Lea, The Ware Priory, High Street, Ware SG12 9AL
4pm arrival and refreshments
Liz Pepler, Director of Embrace Finance
"Marrying money and mission: The role of the Treasurer in building financial resilience."
An overview of trustee fiduciary duties and what good governance means for a board of trustees. This session will provide an opportunity to hear the speaker's personal experience as a treasurer and trustee and explore the tensions and opportunities when building a financially resilient organisation.
Inter-active workshop
Use your experience as a trustee to solve real issues with your peers in this facilitated group session.
Keynote speaker: D'Arcy Myers, Director of Consultdarcy Ltd
"Governance resilience: A pathway to impact"
Key points of charity governance with emphasis on how they can be used to ensure the board are informed and reassured about the operational aspect of their charity. The session will provide the opportunity to hear the speaker's personal experiences from the perspective of both a Trustee and CEO. This will be an interactive session giving you the opportunity to ask him direct questions.
7pm - Drinks reception
Liz Pepler
Founding Director of Embrace Finance

D'Arcy Myers
Director of Consultdarcy Ltd.
Coming from a commercial marketing background D’Arcy Myers has been working in the Charity Sector for 30 years, initially focused on income generation and self-reliance around the world. He has been the CEO for three charities and for the past nine years have been a consultant helping charities and boards with governance, leadership, strategy and communication.
D’Arcy is an active Trustee. He was one of the founding Trustees for The Small Charities Coalition, has been Chairperson for The Parity Trust and The Charterhouse Group of Therapeutic Communities. He currently Chairs The Smallwood Trust, The Reef World Foundation and The Association of Charitable Organisations.